Two-Factor Authentication
Scenario: A data storage company plans to improve both physical and digital security for employees. This will require implementation of two-factor authentication policies. While some employees may already use two-factor authentication to secure their email, the company also plans to implement new physical access points that require biometric two factor to access areas of their campus headquarters.
This project will showcase a scenario-based eLearning module designed to provide the learner context of why 2FA is important, and give various examples of two-factor authentication methods.
Tools Used
Adobe Premier Pro | Vyond (Assets Only) | Adobe Illustrator CC | Storyline360 | Infinite Painter | Samsung Notes
Adobe Premier Pro is a powerful video production suite that I used to create the attention-grabbing introduction video. Vyond is a web-based animation suite that allowed me to use assets for producing the visuals for the introduction. Infinite Painter is a tablet based drawing app that I used in combination with Adobe Illustrator to create the logo for the fictional company. Samsung Notes is a mobile note-taking app that I used to map the order of scenarios within the training. The final interactive eLearning project will be created using Storyline360, an industry standard authoring tool.
Designing the Solution
A lightbulb moment, and a sketch.
To give context on how I decided to create this training, I was brainstorming for a few days on my next portfolio piece. At the time of conception, I was working two jobs. During the day I was a Software Specialist for a dental practice management company. In February 2024, Optum Rx, a pharmaceutical brand suffered a cyber incident that caused mass disruption in their systems. My company had to act fast to enroll their dental customers in a new solution, however part of the enrollment process required two-factor authentication. This enrollment process was fast and more complicated than what customers were used to. I found that a surprising amount of people were completely unfamiliar with two-factor authentication, especially through a mobile app. An opportunity to provide customers fundamental education on 2FA was sorely missed and would have provided a better transition experience. So I started to sketch.
View the Lo-Fi Mapping Sketch | View the Digital Den Logo Sketch
Storyboarding to make it official.
In the real-life scenario described above, a quick FAQ article, or even a 1 minute video describing the concept of 2FA would improve the enrollment experience for those customers that were unfamiliar with that process. In order to continue to sharpen my skills, for this project I decided to create a more intricate scenario-based eLearning module, with a video as the introduction piece.
For a lengthy eLearning module with variable outcomes, it's important to plan ahead, to ensure content is organized and ordered properly. I drafted a storyboard document that would help plan content such as title slides, audio / voiceovers, visual elements, etc. Think of storyboarding as the blueprint you would reference before building a house. I researched online a few storyboarding templates, and tweaked some of the title elements to better fit my needs.
Introduction Video | Production & Thought Process
Gain your learner's attention.
A short introductory video will simultaneously gain the learner's attention and establish the purpose of the two-factor authentication training. The video provides a foundation of both physical and digital categories of 2FA, while lightly establishing learning objectives. I wanted to provide an introduction that stimulates both visual and audio learning modalities, before continuing the module's action-based scenario content.
Scripting & storyboarding the video.
Although I knew I wanted to create the video with animated assets, a write-up and script had to be authored before accumulating any visual elements. When producing the write-up I kept the following workflow in mind: Audience / Problem → Solution → Benefits → Call to Action. These elements are pre-requisite considerations before creating the script itself. It's important to establish these four points before writing voice-over notes and the action on screen.
View the Video Script | View the Video Storyboard Thumbnails
Final Development
Thank you for your interest in following my design process so far on this project. The final eLearning deliverable is still under development. Check back for progress updates!